How to Reschedule an Appointment (Without Disappointment)

Business woman in white shirt and glasses

Rescheduling an appointment can be tricky business—how do you adjust your calendar to better suit your needs without frustrating those clients who were already slotted? Whether you accidentally double-booked, are unexpectedly unavailable, or have a change in priorities, learning how to reschedule gracefully will keep clients satisfied and you looking professional.

Here, we’ll walk you through 7 best practices (plus 1 bonus tip!) to help you reschedule like a pro, without disappointing the people who matter most.

Why communication is key

When it comes to rescheduling, communication is your greatest asset. Clear and prompt updates keep clients in the loop, showing them you respect their time and value their business. By being transparent and making it easy to find a new meeting time, you can maintain trust and avoid turning a minor inconvenience into a major frustration. Let’s dive into the best practices that will keep your clients coming back, even when things don’t go as planned.

Best practices for rescheduling appointments

1. Notify clients as soon as possible

The moment you know you need to reschedule, inform your client. Whether the change is due to a personal emergency or a scheduling conflict, the key is not to wait too long and risk a bigger mess later. Reaching out early shows respect for their time and gives them an opportunity to rearrange their own schedule.

2. Apologize sincerely (but briefly)

Start by acknowledging the inconvenience with a brief, sincere apology. A simple “I’m sorry, but I need to reschedule our appointment” goes a long way in maintaining professionalism. Resist the urge to over-explain or justify. Clients don’t need to hear all the details; they just need to know you value their time and want to make things right.

3. Offer multiple alternative time slots

Instead of proposing just one new time, offer several alternatives. For instance: "I apologize for the inconvenience, but I need to reschedule. Here are a few other times I’m available: [Option 1], [Option 2], [Option 3].” Not only does this show flexibility, it helps avoid another round of back-and-forth scheduling by giving the client a chance to quickly choose what they prefer.

4. Make it easy for clients to reschedule themselves

Give your clients the option to reschedule at their convenience. Scheduling software like Acuity Scheduling lets clients see your availability and book a new time that works for them—all without extra emails or calls. By letting them take control of the situation, you’re making the process more efficient and less stressful for everyone involved.

5. Use a professional email template

Drafting an email template for rescheduling appointments will help you cut back on work and ensure clarity and professionalism, every time. When emailing your client, include a brief apology, reason for the change (if needed), and your rescheduling instructions. Here’s a sample template to follow:

Rescheduling email template:

Dear [Client Name],

I’m so sorry for the inconvenience, but I need to reschedule our appointment originally scheduled for [Original Date/Time] due to unforeseen circumstances. I’m happy to help find a new time to meet as soon as possible. Here are a few alternative times I’m available:

[Option 1]

[Option 2]

[Option 3]

Please let me know which time you prefer.

Thank you so much for your understanding! I look forward to seeing you soon.


[Your Name]

Rescheduling email template (for online booking):

Dear [Client Name],

We apologize for the inconvenience, but we need to reschedule your appointment originally scheduled for [Original Date/Time] due to a last-minute conflict. We do have additional openings and are happy to help slot you in.

Click the Reschedule Appointment button below to view our current availability and select a new time that’s best for you. If you have any trouble or don’t see a good fit, please reach out so we can assist.

Thank you so much for your understanding! We look forward to seeing you soon.


[Your Name]

6. Automate notifications to keep everyone in the loop

Once a new time is confirmed, ensure clients (and staff) stay updated with automated notifications. With scheduling software like Acuity, you can send appointment confirmations and reminders automatically, which helps eliminate confusion and reduces no-shows. These notifications make the whole booking process feel professional and efficient.

7. Stay calm, even when clients aren’t

If a client is upset about the need to reschedule (especially last minute), stay calm and maintain a professional tone. Empathize with their situation, offer flexibility, and work toward a solution that works for both sides. Sometimes, just listening and being understanding is all it takes to smooth things over. If not, consider offering a discount or other incentive to show your appreciation. For example, “Due to the short notice, we’re happy to take 10% off your service to accommodate this change.”

8. Choose the right scheduling software to boost reliability

The best way to prevent scheduling hiccups in the first place? Use reliable scheduling software like Acuity Scheduling. Acuity’s tools make it easy to control your availability, manage client appointments, and even put protections in place to prevent issues like no-shows and double bookings.

If you ever need to reschedule, clients and staff will be able to see your real-time availability and select a new time that works. Plus, automated confirmations and reminders keep everyone informed about appointment changes. With Acuity, you can stay organized, avoid confusion, and present a polished, reliable image to your clients.

Schedule (and reschedule) without the stress

Rescheduling doesn’t have to be stressful or awkward. By following these best practices, you can maintain strong client relationships even when schedules shift. Remember: clear communication, flexibility, and scheduling software like Acuity Scheduling can help you reschedule appointments with ease while keeping your clients happy.

Ready to make scheduling (and rescheduling) a breeze? Start your free trial of Acuity Scheduling today and experience how easy it is to stay on top of your calendar—even when plans change.


Tutorial: Test Your Acuity Scheduler